There is good access for the disabled to all of our consultation rooms. A designated parking bay is adjacent to the surgery entrance and the surgery has a ramp and wide doors to allow for wheelchair access.
If you have a disability and you require assistance, please ask at Reception where one of our receptionists will be pleased to help you.
For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Hearing Loops
Both Mablethorpe and Sutton surgeries have hearing loops. Please adjust your hearing aid to the necessary frequency.
Making appointments
If you are unable to use the telephone to make an appointment, you can request an appointment via the following email address: This email is checked at 8.30am every morning. An appointment will be allocated to you and a return email will be sent advising you of the time and place.
For the Blind and those with Sight Impairment
Patient Handbook
Our Patient Handbook is available in large print for those who are partially sighted. Please ask at Reception if you require a booklet in large print.
For Physically Disabled
Disabled Toilets
Disabled toilets are available on both the ground floor and upper floor of the building at Mablethorpe, and in the main waiting area at Sutton-on-Sea.
For people who are unable to use the stairs within our building at Mablethorpe, a lift is located opposite the main reception desk.
Mobility Scooters
These buggies are generally for outdoor use only. If you use one of these and are unable to walk for any distance, it would be appreciated if you could transfer to one of our wheelchairs located in the foyer at both Mablethorpe and Sutton-on-Sea. If you require assistance please ask a receptionist.