Patient survey and results

Patient Survey 2014


The purpose of this survey was to obtain the views of the patients of the Marisco Medical Practice in order that the practice and patients can work together to improve our services or identify any new concepts that patients may have.

How the survey was designed

The survey was created by the Patient Participation Group (PPG) in conjunction with the practice. All questions in the survey were identified as areas where the PPG felt that feedback from the patients would be most beneficial and relevant. It was felt that the survey should not be too long but also include an opportunity for patients to leave comments both positive and negative as well as provide the opportunity for patients to make suggestions that would improve the surgery. It was also felt the survey should be entirely anonymous and so no patient identifiable information was asked for.

It was decided that 400 survey results would represent a good sample. 400 completed survey forms represents 2% of our practice population.

The final version of the survey was approved by the PPG prior to any patients being asked to complete it.

How the survey was carried out

The survey was distributed as follows:

Whilst patients were waiting to be seen at the surgery – they were asked to complete the survey. Additionally copies of the survey were also freely available in our waiting room. All completed survey forms were placed in a box at the reception counter.

A list of 50 random patients were selected using an “Ad-Hoc” search within the clinical computer system. The survey was posted to these patients with a return self addressed envelope.

The practice survey was also available on our website.

The survey was carried out during week commencing 3rd February 2014. We received 366 completed survey forms.

How the survey was analysed

All survey papers were retrieved on a daily basis from the collection boxes and the answers to the demographic questions and the 8 explicit survey questions were entered onto a spreadsheet.

These questions were summarised and the results are shown both numerically and graphically by clicking the link below.




Patient Participation Group

If you are interested in joining our patient participation group to help influence developments at the practice please contact the surgery and speak to Ian Blakey – Practice Manager or click on the button to fill in the online form.

Date published: 13th October, 2014
Date last updated: 11th December, 2015